Tuesday 5th December 2017

SSS Choose Sustainability!

Do you ever wonder about how your daily life affects the planet? We do! We’ve taken on the responsibility of making sure the way we work, in HQ and beyond, keeps our beautiful world just the way it is.

Simple changes are really making the difference to our environmental impact and we encourage you to do the same as far as possible!

On Yer Bike!

  • Take your bike to work and reduce carbon emissions

Buy Fairtrade tea and coffee!

  • Fairtrade food production not only provides better working environments for the employees, it also ensures the land is better cared for

Take the stairs!

  • Believe it or not, taking the stairs can actually be better for the environment as you will be using far less electricity than taking the escalator or elevator


  • Disposing of waste appropriately can reduce energy spent in the creation of products and also reduce the waste going to landfill which release methane in to the atmosphere

Of course, there are many more ways to do your bit for the environment but these should give you a few ideas! Contact your institution now to see how they are taking steps to be more sustainable.